Английские идиомы на букву U


Unidentified Flying Object-НЛО, неопознанный летающий объект

The man said he had seen an UFO on a clear summer night.

Ugly duckling

Гадкий утенок

Nancy was the Ugly duckling in her family until she grew up.

Unaccustomed to (someone or something)

Быть непривычным для кого-либо \ чего-либо

On the hike Bob soon got tired, because he was Unaccustomed to walking.

Under a cloud

Быть в подавленном состоянии

Jenny has been Under a cloud of depression since her parrot escaped.

Under age

(быть) несовершеннолетним

Such films are not to be shown to children Under age.

Under arrest

(быть) под арестом

Bob Oliver was seen breaking into the neighbor’s cottage, and he soon found himself Under arrest.

Under certain

При определенных условиях

Under no conditions are the students permitted to use cheat sheets at the exams.

Under (close) scrutiny

Под пристальным вниманием

The ex-criminal was Under close scrutiny of the police.

Under construction

Строящийся (объект)

We had to take the train to work while the expressway was Under construction.

Under control

Под контролем

The fire fighters soon took the fire in the restaurant Under control.

Under cover

Под прикрытием, тайно

The police officer Marlow did his work Under cover.

Under fire

Под огнем (критики)

The police officer was Under fire for not conducting the interrogation properly.

Under oath

Давать клятву, быть связанным клятвой

Being Under oath, the woman described the scene of the crime as she had seen it that day.

Under one’s belt


опыт или полученное умение

Jasmine had to get a lot of knowledge Under her belt before the examination.

Under one’s breath


Nell told Lucy the news Under her breath, but Jane overheard her.

Under one’s nose

Под носом у кого-либо

The thief walked out of the museum with the stolen picture, Right under the nose of the security guards.

Under one’s own steam

Собственными усилиями, без чьей-либо помощи

I didn’t think my husband could repair our car, but he did it Under his own steam.

Under one’s thumb

Всецело во власти кого-либо, под каблуком у кого-либо

Mr. Richardson is a bully. He keeps all the family Under his thumb.

Under one’s wing

Под чьим-либо покровительством

She was such a little girl then, just out of high school when Kelly took her Under her wing.

Under pressure

Испытывая большое напряжение, давление или беспокойство

Ron’s job is dangerous and he is always Under pressure at work.

Under (someone’s) feet

(путаться) у кого-либо под ногами

«Get lost! I don’t want you to be Under my feet while I am working.»

Under (someone’s) nose

(находиться) у кого-либо под носом

I looked high and low for my car keys, but they were right Under my nose all the time.

Under the circumstances

В данных обстоятельствах

Something had gone wrong with the engine, and Under the circumstances, the pilot had to land on a highway.

Under the counter

Незаконно, «из-под полы»

That book had been prohibited, but there was one place you could get it Under the counter.

Under the hammer

(продать) на аукционе

The item of furniture I wanted to bid on came Under the hammer at $15,000.

Under the influence of (something)

Под влиянием чего-либо (винных паров или наркотиков)

The police found out that the driver had been Under the influence of alcohol when he crashed into a tree.

Under the sun

В этом мире, на земле, на свете

Jim is always eager to air his views on any subject Under the sun.

Under the table

Незаконная (оплата труда или взятка)

The boy was paid Under the table for the work in Miss Crib’s garden.

Under the weather

Плохо себя чувствовать, недомогать

My Granny looked pale and frail, a trifle Under the weather.

Under the wings of (someone)

Быть под защитой кого-либо, «под крылом у кого-либо»

Sue has been Under the wings of one of the supervisors since she started to work here.

Under the wire

В самый последний момент

His pictures for the exhibition were due on Saturday and they were delivered at the end of the day, Just under the wire.

Under wraps

Скрывать, держать в тайне

They had a new baseball player, but they kept him Under wraps until the game.

Undercut (someone)

Сбивать цену; продавать по более низким ценам, чем конкурент

The new grocery store intended To have undercut the other stores in the area, but it failed to do it.

Unearthly hour

Очень ранний или неурочный час

If we are to catch the 6.15 train, we will have to get up at An unearthly hour.

Unfamiliar territory

(что-либо) незнакомое, не познанное

Greg was driving the car for the first time in his life; it was Unfamiliar territory for him.

University of life

Жизненный университет (знания, получаемые в повседневной жизни и труде)

‘University of life’ is learning from daily life and work rather than getting higher education.

Unknown quantity

Непредсказуемая (личность)

The new footballer was still an Unknown quantity for the coach; he didn’t know how good he was in the game.

Unrequited love

Любовь без взаимности

Sarah was deeply in love with Jack, but unfortunately it was a case of Unrequited love.

Until all hours (of the day or night)


Jordan was so anxious to pass his exams with flying colors that he stayed up studying Until all hours.

Until hell freezes over

Бесконечно, до скончания века

John is fond of dispute; he can argue Until hell freezes over.

Until the cows come home

Бесконечно долго, допоздна

We are going to throw a New Year’s party and stay up Until the cows come home.

Up a blind alley

В тупике

Fisher found himself Up a blind alley when he was investigating the murder.

Up against (something)

Близко от чего-либо

My father placed the ladder Up against the wall of the house.

Up against

Наталкиваться на трудности, препятствия, неприятности

Dorothy was Up against it because she hadn’t passed her test in Math.

Up and about

Быть на ногах, выздороветь (после болезни)

My cousin has undergone a serious operation, but now she is Up and about Again.

Up and around

Встать с постели и начать что-либо делать

I am feeling tired because I have been Up and around since five o’clock in the morning.

Up and at ’em/them

Энергично взяться за дело

Samuel is a diligent worker; he is Up and at them like no one else I know.

Up and away

Улететь, умчаться

My friend got on the airplane and was Up and away before I could say Jack Robinson.


Новый, премьерный (о фильме, писателе, певце и т. д.)

Previews of Up-and-coming movies are usually shown before a feature film.

Up for grabs

Доступный (для любого)

When the captain of the basketball team moved to another town, his place was Up for grabs.

Up for (something)

(делать что-либо) с энтузиазмом, с увлечением

The children were Up for the final basketball game of the season.

Up front

Честный, откровенный, искренний

Martha was absolutely Up front about why she didn’t want to date Collin anymore.

Up in arms

Быть готовым к борьбе, сопротивлению

The students are Up in arms over the new rule against parties in the dorm.

Up in the air (about something)

Нерешенный вопрос, неопределенность

It is still Up in the air about our trip to Japan.

Up in years

Старый, преклонных лет

My grandfather is Up in years, but he is still full of vigor.

Up one’s alley

То, что нравиться

Designing clothes is right Up Mary’s alley and she is very good at it.

Up one’s sleeve

Держать что-либо в тайне (до поры до времени)

Derek knew that his friend had some trick Up his sleeve because he was smiling to himself during their conversation.

Up the ante

Повысить ставки

The artist seems To up the ante when he refused to sell his pictures very cheap.

Up the creek

Быть в беде

Sara will be Up the creek if she doesn’t pass the test in French.

Up the river/creek with no paddle

Оказаться в безвыходной ситуации

Mike said that if the car ran out of gas in the middle of the desert, they would be Up the creek with no paddle.


Современный, новейший

I would like to buy an Up-to-date dictionary of American idioms.

Up to here with (someone/something)

Быть недовольным кем-либо \ чем-либо, быть сытым по горло

I have had it Up to here with my friend’s constant complaints about the difficulties of life.

Up to it/the job

(быть) способным или подходить

I doubt that Rick is Up to it; let’s not hire him to do the job.

Up to no good

Замышлять что-либо плохое

I was sure that the children were Up to no good, because they ran away as soon as they saw me coming.

Up to one’s chin in (something)

Быть занятым (под завязку) или быть вовлеченным во что-либо

My cousin Marcia is always in debt Up to her chin.

Up to one’s ears in work

Быть по уши в работе

Around final examination time most of the university teachers are Up to their ears in work.

Up to one’s ears/eyeballs/neck in (something)

Быть по уши в чем-либо

Around final examination time most of the university teachers are Up to their ears in work.

Up to par

В нормальном состоянии

I have a splitting headache and I don’t feel Up to par.

Up to (someone) to decide/do (something)

(кому-либо самому) решать что делать

It is Up to you to decide whether to take the puppy home or leave it in the animal shelter.

Up to (something)

Замышлять что-либо

I was sure Jerome was Up to some shady activity and I wanted to check on him.


Самая последняя (информация)

The pilot asked for the Up-to-the-minute weather report before the flight.

Up to

Быть до (какого-либо предела)

The water in the river was just Up to my knees.

Up until

До тех пор

I was at home Up until the children came home from school.

Upper crust

Сливки общества

The rich and famous people are often called the Upper crust of society.

Upper hand

(иметь) преимущество, контроль

Now that Mike became the chief executive, he has the Upper hand in all the undertakings in the company.

Ups and downs

Взлет и падение

Mr. Sanford is now a wealthy man, but at the beginning of his career he had many Ups and downs.

Upset the applecart

Нарушить планы, спутать все карты

They were enjoying themselves at the party until Kelly came and Upset the applecart.

Upshot of (something)

Результат, исход чего-либо

The Upshot of their sea expedition was that they were able to discover previously unknown sea species.


Встревоженный, взволнованный, нервничающий

«Why is Liz so Uptight about getting that job? The more she worries, the less she will succeed.»

Use every trick in the book

Использовать всевозможные приемы

I am going To use every trick in the book to get rid of my headaches.

Use one’s head/noggin/noodle

Подумать, пошевелить мозгами

«If you don’t remember who has told you about it, then Use your head and try to call it to mind.»

Use some elbow grease

Делать какое-либо усилие

The car was awfully dirty, and I Used some elbow grease to clean it.

Use (someone or something) as an excuse

Использовать что-либо в качестве оправдания, винить кого-либо

The students often Use traffic jams as an excuse not to come to class in time.

Use strong language

Ругаться, браниться

Never try to Use strong language in the conversation with your juniors.

Use up

Полностью использовать, истощить

Jake seemed to have Used up his small stock of courage.

Used to


After Felix’s eyes became Used to the dim light in the barn, he saw an old basket on the floor.


Ultraviolet — ультрафиолет

Too much of UV rays are harmful for your health.

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