Английские идиомы на букву V

Vanish into thin air

Исчезнуть, раствориться в воздухе

Joe’s new camera just Vanished into thin air and was never seen again.

Variety is the spice of life

Разнообразие придает остроту жизни

It is true that Variety is the spice of life and people enjoy doing different things in their spare time.


Video Cassette Recorder — видеомагнитофон

There is a VCR in our family room and we often use it.


Video Display Unit — устройство визуального отображения, дисплей

My VDU Began to cause problems, so I had to buy a new one.

Vent one’s spleen

Избавиться от раздражения или злобы

I am very angry at the manager’s suggestion to transfer me to another department and I haven’t been able To vent my spleen So


Verge on (something)

Граничить с чем-либо

The flood may Verge on becoming a real disaster if the water rises a few more meters.

Very last

Самый последний

I was lucky to have bought the Very last tickets to the show.

Very thing

То, что надо

A couple of rugs is the Very thing that I need to make my den comfortable.

Very well

Очень хорошо

«Very well, I will do as you say.»


Very High Frequency — очень высокая частота

The DVD wasn’t working properly because of a problem with the VHF connection.

Vicarious liability

Ответственность одного лица за поступки другого

It was a case of Vicarious liability when the boy’s parents were charged because of his wrong doing.

Vicious circle

Заколдованный круг, порочный круг

Jane takes a lot of medicine to cure her asthma; I am afraid she might develop another

illness from the medicine and will thus be caught in A vicious circle.

Vim and vigor

Настойчивость, сила и энергия

My Grandfather is over seventy, but he is still full of Vim and vigor.


Very Important Person — очень важная персона

There is special room at the airport for VIP passengers.

Vote down

Отклонить что-либо при голосовании

The question of opening a casino was raised and Was immediately Voted down.

Vote of confidence

Вотум доверия

This political party received A vote of confidence and everyone saw that it still had the majority’s support.

Vote of thanks

Благодарственная речь, адресованная оратору или организатору

Mr. Sash proposed A vote of thanks to the principal speaker.

Vote with one’s feet

Уйти, таким образом показать свою антипатию; «проголосовать ногами»

The lecture was boring and some of the students Voted with their feet.


Vice-President — вице-президент

Dick Chaney served faithfully as VP for many years.


Video Tape Recorder-видеомагнитофон

Since a VTR was installed in the classroom we have been using it at the lessons.

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