Английские идиомы на букву E

Each and every


Each and every student had to take a test that day.

Eager beaver

Трудолюбивый человек, энтузиаст

Sally is a very industrious and enthusiastic person; she is a regular Eager beaver.

Eagle eye

Пристально следящий взгляд, зоркий глаз (как у орла)

Alan kept An eagle eye upon all Carry’s activities.

Ear to the ground

Пристальное внимание к тому, что происходит

Mrs. Spencer had An ear to the ground and knew everything that was going on in her son’s family.


Нагоняй, выговор

The boss gave one of his employees Earful when the latter came to work late.

Early bird catches the worm

Кто рано встает, тому бог подает (Пословица)

Getting up early proved to her the truth

of the old saying that The early bird catches the worm; she was able to do a lot of work.

Early bird

Ранняя пташка (о человеке, привыкшем рано вставать или рано начинать что-либо)

«I hate getting up early; I am not An early bird, I must confess.»

Early on

В начале, на раннем этапе

They had a family reunion Early on That Sunday.

Earn one’s keep

Оправдывать свое содержание работой

I stayed with a host family and helped them about the house in order To earn my keep.

Ears are burning

Уши горят (кто-либо обсуждает вас за вашей спиной)

Jane’s Ears were burning; she was sure that someone was talking about her.

Ears are red

Смутиться (уши покраснели от смущения)

I saw that Gina was embarrassed because her Ears were red.

Ears are ringing

Звон в ушах

The jazz music at the concert

was very loud, and my Ears were ringing.

Ears become red

Покраснеть от смущения

When I asked Paul about his grades at school, he got embarrassed and his Ears became red.

Ease off/up on (someone or something)

Уменьшать напряжение, ослаблять

Despite his physical condition Jim Croft absolutely refused To ease up on working.

Easier said than done

Легче сказать, чем сделать

I would like to take up French, but it is Easier said than done.

Easy come, easy go

То, что легко достается потерять не жалко, «легко пришло, легко ушло»

I found a bracelet but in a few days lost it. Oh, well, Easy come, easy go.

Easy does it

Делать что-либо медленно и осторожно

«Easy does it,» my father said as we were moving a large bookcase away from the wall.


Общительный (человек)

Larry is Easy-going and fun to be with.

Easy money

Легкие деньги

Young people who look for Easy money are usually disappointed.

Easy to come by

Найти с легкостью

A good job is not Easy to come by.

Eat and run

Быстро (поспешно) поесть, перекусить

«You have To eat and run if you want to be in time for the show.»

Eat away at (someone)

Беспокоить кого-либо

Her child’s health problems are constantly Eating away at Mrs. Noland.

Eat away at (something)

Разъедать, глодать, точить, разрушать что-либо

Ocean waves Are Gradually Eating away at the coast line.

Eat crow

Проглотить обиду, смириться

«I guess I’ll have To eat crow if I am defeated.»

Eat dirt

Быть в унизительной роли, сносить оскорбления

The man had To eat dirt because of the errors he made in his job.

Eat high on/off the hog

Есть хорошую, дорогую пищу

For the first few days after the check from his father arrived, Jeremy Ate high on the hog.

Eat humble pie

Униженно извиняться, «придти с повинной головой»

«You insulted Steve, and I can’t see any other way out but Eat humble pie.»

Eat like a bird

Очень мало есть, «есть как птичка»

The child probably Eats like a bird; she is so thin.

Eat like a horse

Много есть, есть как лошадь

The children spent most of their time outdoors, and when they came home in the evening they Ate like horses.

Eat one’s cake and have it too

Преследовать две взаимно исключающие цели, пытаться совместить несовместимое

«If you try To eat your cake and have it Too, you will never gain anything in life.»

Eat one’s heart out

Изводить себя, страдать

Mary has missed the chance of a good job, and now she Is eating her heart out.

Eat one’s words

Взять свои слова назад

«I must admit I am wrong, so I will have To eat my words.»

Eat out of (someone’s) hand

Беспрекословно слушаться кого-либо

«I am not going To eat out of your hand and to do everything what you want me to.»

Eat out of (someone’s) hands

Безоговорочно подчиняться кому-либо, «плясать под чью-либо дудку»

Jack is a very proud man. I don’t think he is capable of Eating out of anybody’s hand.

Eat out

Поесть в ресторане

My boy friend invited me To eat out tonight.

Eat (someone) for breakfast

Легко нанести поражение

William is very vulnerable and can easily Be eaten for breakfast.

Eat (someone) out of house and home

Объедать кого-либо, быть нахлебником

Sally preferred to live on her own; she didn’t want To eat Her parents Out of house and home.

Eat (something) up

Поглощать что-либо, впитывать знания

In general children Eat up knowledge easily if they enjoy what they learn.

Eating someone

Беспокоить, волновать кого-либо

I saw that something Was eating my friend and I asked her what it was.

Ebb and flow

Взлет и падение

The ebb and flow in the profession of an artist is quite a common thing.


Electrocardiogram — электрокардиограмма (ЭКГ)

The doctor advised me to take an ECG test as soon as possible.

Edge (someone) out

Вытеснить, оттеснить кого-либо и получить работу

Pat easily Edged out the other applicants and got the job of a company secretary.

E. g.

Exempli Gratia — например

E. g. Is an abbreviation and it means ‘for example’.

Egg (someone) on

Подстрекать, подбивать

It was Samantha who Egged him on to write that letter.

Either feast or famine

То пиршество, то голод; «разом густо, разом пусто»

Tamara got used to ‘Either feast or famine’ style of life; for her it is feast today and fast tomorrow.

Eke out (a living)

Кое-как сводить концы с концами, с трудом зарабатывать себе на жизнь

Linda Brown has no college education so she has To eke out a living as a cleaning woman.

Elbow grease

Тяжелая работа (физическая)

I used a lot of Elbow grease to clean the whole house, from top to bottom.

Elbow room

Достаточно места, пространства

Their house is getting overcrowded; there is not enough Elbow room in it.

Elbow (someone) out of (something)

Вытолкнуть кого-либо из чего-либо, прокладывать себе путь локтями

Janet got promotion By elbowing many of her colleagues out of the way.

Elbow (someone) out of (somewhere)

Вытолкать, оттолкнуть

The young man was evidently in a hurry; he Elbowed people Out of his way.

Eleventh-hour decision

Решение, принятое в последний момент

Eventually Miranda made An eleventh-hour decision to accept their proposal.

End in itself

Цель сама по себе

For Bob painting is An end in itself, and he never shows his pictures to anybody.

End of one’s rope

Не доставать способности, не хватать воображения

I am at The end of my rope every time I come across some difficulty I can’t cope with.

End up (doing something or going somewhere)

Оканчиваться, кончить тем, что…

The chances are that we will End up by being friendly with them.

End up (somewhere)

Заканчиваться (где-либо, в каком-то месте)

They intended to go to the seaside but Ended up at a small village in the mountains.

Engage in small talk

Говорить о незначительных вещах, «светская болтовня»

The discussion didn’t start yet, and those present Engaged in small talk.

Enough to go around

Достаточно чего-либо для всех

I was afraid there wouldn’t be Enough Beer To go round so I decided to buy some more.

Enter (someone’s) mind

Придти в голову

«I say Peter, it never Entered your mind to apologize for what you have done, did it?»

Equal to (something)

Быть способным справиться с чем-либо, подходить для чего-либо

I don’t think Nelly is Equal to the task of teaching small children.


Emergency Room — реанимация

ER is the place in a hospital where doctors deal with emergency cases.

Escape (someone’s) notice

Ускользать от внимания

Helen was more than absent-minded today, and it didn’t Escape my notice.


English as a Second Language — английский как иностранный (как второй язык)

ESL is taught almost in every country of the world because English is rightly considered to be an international language.


Extrasensory Perception — экстрасенсорное восприятие

We read a story of a ten-year-old girl who had the ability of ESP.


Estimated Time of Arrival — расчетное время прибытия

Though the ETA was six p. m. we didn’t arrive as expected because our flight was delayed.

Even so

Все-таки, все равно, тем не менее

As a rule Marion gets up early Even so she is often late for work.


Быть в расчете, сравнять счет (в спорте)

Give me $10 and we’ll be Even-steven.

Every cloud has a silver lining

Нет худа без добра

I lost my job and divorced my husband, but Every cloud has a silver lining and something good is sure to come my way.

Every dog has his day

Всему свое время

Celia will be able to travel alone when she grows up. Every dog has his day.

Every inch a (something)

(быть) полностью чем-либо, «каждой клеточкой»

Dana was Every inch an actress and loved to take part in all kinds of performances.

Every last one

Каждый из, каждый последний из

Every last one of the children got a present at Christmas.

Every living soul

Каждый, каждая живая душа

When the circus arrived at a small town, Every living soul came to have a look at it.

Every minute counts

Каждая минута на счету

Every minute counts when people are injured during an accident.

Every nook and cranny

Каждый закуток, каждая щелочка

Jenny lost her textbook and looked for it in Every nook and cranny of her apartment.

Every once in a while

Время от времени, изредка

I am not a very good chess player; I play chess Every once in a while.

Every other

Каждый второй

We take turns at work, and I have to be on duty Every other Saturday of the month.

Every so often

Время от времени, иногда

When I am tired of sitting, Every so often I stand up and walk about the room.

Every time one turns around

Часто, зачастую

Every time I turn around I can see my little sister watching a cartoon.

Every Tom, Dick and Harry

Обыкновенный человек, (Иванов, Петров, Сидоров)

Lionel was very intelligent; he was not the same as Every Tom, Dick and Harry.

Every which way

Во всех направлениях

There were a lot of ducks on the pond and they floated Every which way.

Everything but the kitchen sink

Почти все

They took Everything but the kitchen sink on their hiking trip.

Everything from soup to nuts

Почти все, что нужно

We took Everything from soup to nuts before we went on a picnic.

Everything humanly possible

Все, что в человеческих силах

Ann decided to do Everything humanly possible to save her son from prison.

Everything one can lay/get his or her hands on

Все, что можно найти; все, что попало под руку

They used Everything they could lay their hands on to build a small shed in the back yard.

Evil eye

Недобрый глаз, способный причинить вред

Zahra is believed to have An evil eye, and people try to avoid her.

Examination for discovery

Предварительное разбирательство, при котором обе стороны могут ознакомиться со свидетельскими показаниями до суда

Adam had to spend a long time in An examination for discovery session concerning his case.

Exception that proves the rule

Исключение подтверждает правило

A salesperson should be easy-going. Steve is reserved; he is The exception that proves the rule.

Excuse (someone)

Извинить, простить кого-либо

Con let me down; I am not going To excuse him for his behavior.

Exercise one’s brain

Тренировать свой ум (мозги)

It is recommended to do crossword puzzles in order to Exercise your brain.

Expert witness

Свидетельство эксперта или специалиста

The expert witness was called to discuss the blood spots on the accused man’s clothes.

Explain (oneself)

Объясняться, оправдываться

The director of the museum was made To explain herself after the theft of a valuable collection had been discovered.

Explain (something) away

Отделываться объяснением

The cashier tried To explain away the trouble with the cash in the shop.

Express (one’s) anger

Дать волю гневу

John is very quick-tempered and he Expresses his anger in a most unpleasant way.

Extend credit to (someone)

Предоставить кредит

I asked for a loan from my bank and they Extended credit to me.

Extend one’s sympathy to (someone)

Выразить сочувствие, кому-либо

I came to Tim To extend my sympathy to him because of his mother’s serious illness.

Extenuating circumstances

Обстоятельства, смягчающие вину

Because of Extenuating circumstances, Robert Simpson didn’t go to jail for kidnapping.

Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

Око за око, зуб за зуб

Never call for An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when somebody hurts you; it won’t make your pain less.

Eye of the storm

В центре внимания (окружающих); в центре событий

If something goes wrong, Bert is going to be in the Eye of the storm.


Лицом к лицу

They were jammed in the crowd and had to stand Eyeball-to-eyeball.

Eyes are bigger than one’s stomach

Взять больше еды, чем сможешь съесть; одни глаза не сыты

«Your Eyes are bigger than your stomach. You’ve eaten much food as it is.»

Eyes in the back of one’s head

Способность видеть, что происходит вокруг; быть в курсе всех дел

Jessica had Eyes in the back of her head, and she always knew what was happening around her.

Eyes pop out

Очень удивиться, «глаза вылезли из орбит»

Kelly’s eyes Popped out when she heard Jeremy’s name mentioned in a TV news program.

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