Английские идиомы на букву R

Race against time

Стремление выиграть время

It was A race against time as I was trying to meet the grant requirements.

Rack one’s brain

Ломать себе голову над чем-либо

Peter Was racking his brains, trying to remember where he had put his car keys.

Racked with pain

Страдать от сильной боли

The wounded man was groaning loudly as he was Racked with pain.

Rail at (someone) about (something)

Жаловаться кому-либо на что-либо

The man at the bus station Was railing at the ticket clerk About the bad service.

Rain cats and dogs

Льет как из ведра

The sky is overcast, and I bet It’s raining cats and dogs in the mountains.

Rain check

Бесплатный билет на ранее отложенное мероприятие

They were given A

rain check for the performance that was cancelled because of the death of the leading actor.

Rain on (someone’s) parade

Расстраивать чьи-либо планы

«I am going to throw a big New Year party. Please don’t Rain on my parade.»

Rain or shine

При любой погоде, что бы не было

We are having a barbecue tomorrow, Rain or shine.

Rain (something) out

Испортить что-либо, не состояться из-за дождя

The art festival, which was supposed to be outdoors, Was rained out yesterday afternoon.

Raise a fuss

Устроить скандал, поднять шум

Miss Muffed likes Raising a fuss over trifles.

Raise a hand against (someone or something)

Поднять руку на кого-либо \ что-либо

Jordan Raised a hand against his wife’s precious possessions, and she decided to punish him.

Raise a hand

Пошевелить рукой (чтобы помочь), делать часть работы

Jordan didn’t Raise a hand To do his share of the work, so I had to do everything all by myself.

Raise a stink about (something)

Поднимать вопрос, шумиху из-за чего-либо

The dog owners Raised a stink about the new pet tax.

Raise an objection to (someone or something)

Выражать свое несогласие кому-либо, возражать против чего-либо

Theodor Raised an objection To the coach about including Jordan in our football team.

Raise an objection (to/about someone or something)

Выразить протест кому-либо, о чем-либо

Sam Craft, the defense lawyer, Raised an objection about the testimony of the main witness.

Raise Cain

Поднимать невероятный шум, орать; дебоширить

The soldiers sang songs and shouted and Raised Cain to pass the long hours of the night.

Raise eyebrows

Вызвать чье-либо неодобрение

Ron Raised eyebrows when Steve failed to complete his job in time.

Raise havoc with (someone or something)

Создавать неразбериху, нарушать что-либо

The storm Raised havoc with our plans to go boating.

Raise hell with (someone or something)

Устроить скандал кому-либо, учинить разнос из-за чего-либо

When my dog ran into my neighbor’s garden, Wanda Lee, my neighbor, Raised hell with Me.

Raise its (ugly) head

Снова возникнуть, поднять голову (о какой-либо проблеме)

The problem of cockroaches in our apartment Raised its ugly head again.

Raise one’s sights

Ставить перед собой цель

I did pretty well at my final exams, and now I Am raising my sights on getting a good job.

Raise one’s voice to (someone)

Накричать на кого-либо

My mother always Raises her voice To anyone when she is angry.

Raise the ante

Поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка — деньги на кону перед началом игры)

The Chief Executive had to Raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.

Raise/up the ante

Поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка — деньги на кону перед началом игры)

The Chief Executive had to Raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.

Raise/wave a white flag

Сдаться, выкинуть белый флаг

During the discussion I understood that I would have To raise a white flag and give up arguing.

Rake in the money

Зарабатывать много денег, «купаться в деньгах»

Though Jake Is raking in the money he is very stingy.

Rake off (some money)

Воровать деньги

They suspected David Bronx of Raking money off the company’s account.

Rake (someone) over the coals

Делать выговор; дать нагоняй, взбучку

My father Raked me over the coals when I had taken his car without his permission.

Rake (something) off

Незаконно брать что-либо откуда-либо

They suspected David Bronx of Raking money off the company’s account.

Rally around someone or something

Объединиться, чтобы поддержать кого-либо \ что-либо

The local administration Rallied around the residents of the area when they decided to build a new playground.

Ram (something) down (someone’s) throat

Навязывать кому-либо что-либо (свое мнение, взгляды)

«I don’t want you To ram your notions down my throat.»

Ramble on about (someone or something)

Рассусоливать, жаловаться на что-либо

It bores me to death to hear my cousin Rambling on about her family problems.

Rank and file

Рядовые (служащие или солдаты)

The Rank and file of the large computer company was happy to receive their bonuses.

Rant and rave about (someone or something)

Орать из-за кого-либо, рвать и метать из-за чего-либо

The woman Was ranting and raving about the bad service at the Ladies’ Fashion Department.

Rant (at someone) about (someone or something)

Говорить громко и сердито о ком-либо \ чем-либо

The children were misbehaving and their mother Was ranting at them about it.

Rap (someone’s) knuckles

Высказать порицание кому-либо

My boss Rapped my knuckles for taking long coffee breaks.

Rap with (someone)

Потолковать, поболтать с кем-либо

Mrs. Partisan likes to pass the time Rapping with her neighbors.

Rare bird

Необычный, неординарный (человек)

I think Bob is A rare bird; his ideas are always unusual.

Rarin’ to go

Испытывать жажду деятельности

I was Rarin’ to go after the encouragement my athletics coach gave me.

Rat on (someone)

Выдать кого-либо, рассказав о неприглядном поведении; донести

I asked my sister not to tell Mother about the spoilt carpet, but she Ratted on me.

Rat out on (someone)

Бросить кого-либо в беде, предать

My best friend Ratted out on me at a critical time, and I am not going to forgive him his betrayal.

Rat race

Жизнь, как бесконечная гонка и отчаянная борьба за успех; «крысиные бега»

Working and living in a big city is too much of A rat race that’s why Sandra is not satisfied with her life in New-York.

Rate with (someone)

Быть благосклонным к кому-либо

As far as I know Sally doesn’t Rate with any of the students in her class; she is too arrogant and highbrow.

Rattle (something) off

Рассказать что-либо наизусть (быстро и точно); «отбарабанить»

The boy Rattled off the speech which he had learnt by heart.

Ravished with delight

Испытывать счастье, приходить в восторг

Jill was Ravished with delight when she had received a grant to go overseas to do her research.

Raw deal

Несправедливо суровое отношение

Ron got A raw deal; he was treated unfairly, I am sure.


Royal Canadian Mounted Police — королевская конная полиция Канады

There was a movie on TV about the RCMP, and it was quite interesting.

Reach a compromise

Достигнуть компромисса

The trade union tried very hard To reach a compromise with the owners of the factory.

Reach a stalemate

Зайти в тупик

The negotiations Reached a stalemate, and it will be difficult to start them again.

Reach an agreement

Достигнуть соглашения

They Reached an agreement to supply equipment from the USA.

Reach an impasse

Зайти в тупик

The negotiations on the independence of that small country Have reached an impasse.

Reach first base

Сделать главный шаг навстречу кому-либо \ чему-либо

Jameson was not able To reach first base with his partner.

Reach for the sky

Ставить большие цели

I think Jenny Is reaching for the sky in her desire to be at the top of the class.

Reach one’s stride

Добиться высокого профессионального уровня

George Arrows has finally Reached his stride as a very good computer programmer.

Read between the lines

Читать между строк

Millicent might have Read between the lines; she might have had more knowledge about her husband’s character.

Read out loud

Читать вслух

His letter Was Read out loud to us.

Read (someone) his or her rights

Ознакомить кого-либо со своими правами (при аресте)

The police officer Read the burglar his rights before he was taken to jail.

Read (someone) like an open book

Прекрасно понимать кого-либо

Emily, who Read her husband like an open book, pretended that she didn’t suspect anything.

Read (someone’s) lips

Внимательно слушать кого-либо и верить тому, что говориться

The teacher told the students To read her lips and listen carefully to what she was saying.

Read (someone’s) mind

Читать чьи-либо мысли

I tried To read my father’s mind, but I couldn’t make out what he was thinking about my new job.

Read (something) into (something)

Придавать чему-либо какое-либо значение

I decided not To read anything into the recent actions of my boss.

Read (something) over

Прочесть от начала до конца

Ivory Read the documents over carefully before signing them.

Read (something) through

Прочесть, дочитать до конца

She Read the typed letter through again.

Read the handwriting on the wall

Предвидеть что-либо (подмечая детали и намеки)

I could easily Read the handwriting on the wall, and I knew beforehand what was going to happen to our firm.

Read the riot act (to someone)

Строго предупредить кого-либо

The mother Read the riot act to the kids; she told them that if they didn’t stop making noise, they’d get it hot.

Read to oneself

Читать про себя

I saw her lips moving as she Was reading to herself.

Read up on (someone or something)

Изучать что-либо, читать соответствующую литературу

Since he had never paid much attention to either history or economics Ben had To read up on both subjects before taking the exams.

Ready, willing, and able

Сильно желающий, жаждущий сделать что-либо

After the terrible hurricane a lot of people were Ready, willing, and able to help the local population.

Real McCoy

Подлинная вещь

Jim was sure that the picture he had bought at the auction was the Real McCoy.

Real thing

Первоклассная вещь, не подделка

This small oriental box is The real thing and is very valuable.

Reality of a situation

Реальная ситуация

The reality of a situation was that it was next to impossible to buy tickets for the ballet «Swan Lake».

Rear its ugly head

(что-либо неприятное) вновь становиться очевидным

The problem of cockroaches Has reared its ugly head in my apartment again.

Receive (someone) with open arms

Встретить кого-либо с распростертыми объятиями

When my friends came to visit us, we Welcomed them with open arms.

Reckon with (someone or something)

Столкнуться, иметь дело с кем-либо \ чем-либо

Fanny didn’t want To reckon with any more troubles concerning her next door neighbors.

Recognize (someone or something) for what it/he/she is

Распознавать, что кто-либо \ что-либо собой представляет

At first I wasn’t able To recognize the new supermarket for what it is.

Reconcile oneself to (something)

Примиряться с чем-либо

The situation in our bank is challenging, but somehow we have To reconcile ourselves to it.

Red-carpet treatment

Обращаться по-королевски

I want to give A red-carpet treatment to my friends when they come to visit me.

Red cent

Небольшая сумма денег, «медный грош»

I wanted to buy a boat from Tom, but it looked so shabby that I would not give A red cent for it.


Ночной рейс, прибывающий рано утром

They had to take A red-eye flight to be able to get to London on the appointed day.

Red flag

Сигнал, предупреждающий об опасности

The driver stopped the car and raised A red flag before he started to change a mag wheel.

Red herring

Отвлекающий маневр, что-либо сбивающее со следа

The military maneuvers are a Red herring, and they are not related to the matters of peace in this area.


Имеющий большой спрос

Thanks to the advertising the new book has become Red-hot and many people want to buy it.

Red in the face

Смутиться, покраснеть

Zeta was Red in the face after I had disclosed all her lies.

Red ink


That small business had much Red ink because of the softening of economy.

Red-letter day

Праздник, памятный день, «красный день календаря»

It was A red-letter day for Richard as nobody bothered him that day.

Red tape

Излишние формальности, волокита, бюрократизм

It wasn’t Red tape on the hospital’s part; the patient was too sick to see anyone.

Reduced to (something)

Ухудшать состояние чего-либо

Due to Sam’s infidelities his relationship with Samantha was Reduced to ashes.

Reel off (something)

Без остановки читать или рассказывать что-либо

My boss asked me what had happened that day and I Reeled off all of the events.

Refill a prescription

Повторно заказать прописанное лекарство

As I couldn’t get rid of the cough, I had to go to the pharmacy To refill a prescription.

Regain one’s composure

Успокоиться, взять себя в руки

It took me a few hours To regain my composure after the conversation with my employer.

Regain one’s feet

Встать на ноги (после падения)

The man stumbled over a stone and fell on the sidewalk but quickly Regained his feet.

Regardless of (something)

Не обращая внимания, не смотря на что-либо

Regardless of the efforts he couldn’t make his car start.

Regular as clockwork

С точностью часового механизма

My aunt and her friends played cards As regular as clockwork every Sunday.

Regular guy

Славный малый, молодчина

John is A regular guy; he gets along with everyone in the office.

Relative to (someone or something)

Относительно кого-либо \ чего-либо

The boat was neither very big nor very comfortable Relative to the amount of money Felix had paid for it.

Reliance on (someone or something)

Надежность и доверие к кому-либо \ чему-либо

I never had too much Reliance on my friend’s word of honor.

Religious about (doing something)

Требовательный, неуклонно исполняющий что-либо

Sally has become Religious about mowing her lawn every weekend.

Reluctant to (do something)

Делать что-либо с неохотой

I was Reluctant to lend my cousin 200 dollars as I know he is Reluctant to pay it back soon.

Reputed to be/do something

Имеющий репутацию

The new chef Is reputed to be one of the best chefs in France.

Resign oneself to something

Подчиняться (неохотно) чему-либо, покориться

George Resigned himself to the fact that he would probably not see Tina again.

Resonate with (someone)

Привлекать кого-либо, нравиться

The idea of a children’s art festival Resonated with The majority of the teachers.

Responsible party

Ответственная сторона (человек или организация)

The teachers’ trade union was The responsible party for the street demonstration.

Rest assured

Не беспокоиться

My husband wanted me to get his fishing tackle ready and I told him To rest assured.

Rest in peace

Покоиться с миром

They prayed that their uncle would Rest in peace after he recently passed away.

Rest on one’s laurels

Почивать на лаврах

I am not the type of person To rest on my laurels.

Rest on one’s oars

Бездействовать, ослабить усилия

They decided To rest on their oars for a while before starting a new project.

Result in (something)

Происходить в результате чего-либо

The icy roads that day Resulted in a lot of car accidents.

Return the compliment

Ответить комплиментом на комплимент

Jenny Returned the compliment to her classmate who began to praise her diligence.

Return the favor

Ответить добром на добро

I decided To return the favor to Miss Abramson who had been taking care of my cat when I had been away on holiday.

Rev (something) up

Увеличивать число оборотов, «газовать»

The young man was making a great deal of noise when he Was revving the motor of his car up.

Rhyme or reason

Хороший план или разумное объяснение

I told my friend that his decision to quit his present job is beyond Rhyme or reason.

Rich in (something)

Быть богатым чем-либо (полезными ископаемыми, традициями и т. д.)

Russia is Rich in many mineral resources.

Ride herd on (someone)

Строго следить за кем-либо (как пастух следит за стадом)

The head nurse Was riding herd on the other nurses in the hospital.

Ride off in all directions

Пытаться делать все сразу

I didn’t understand what my boss wanted me to do; I was totally confused, so I started To ride off in all directions.

Ride on (someone’s) coattails

Зависеть от другого человека (о счастье, успехе и т. д.)

It seems as if this actress Is riding on the coattails Of her producer and thus hopes to achieve great popularity.

Ride roughshod over (someone or something)

Не считаться с кем-либо \ чем-либо, помыкать, обращаться сурово

«If you go on Riding roughshod over my needs, then life is not worth living.»

Ride (something) out

Вытерпеть что-либо (неприятное), переждать

It was very cold in the mountains, and we were not able To ride out the bad weather.

Ride the gravy train

Наживаться, получать незаконные доходы, «загребать барыши»

He had been able To ride the gravy train and make a lot of money selling drugs before he was arrested.

Riding for a fall

Действовать неосмотрительно, во вред себе, «самому себе яму рыть»

«Why don’t you tell Nancy that she Is riding for a fall by paying no attention to the condition of the brakes?»

Riding high

Привлекать внимание, пользоваться большой популярностью

The pop singer has been Riding high among his fans.

Right and left

Со всех сторон, справа и слева, повсюду

While delivering lectures Professor Kenworth likes to quote Right and left.

Right as rain

(быть) в полном порядке; правильный, подлинный

The information given by the newscaster was As right as rain.

Right at (a specific time/place)

(быть в) точно назначенное время или в назначенном месте

The conference began at the previously appointed time, Right at 11:00 AM.

Right away

Тот час же, сразу, прямо сейчас

«You needn’t go to the bank Right away; you can do it later.»

Right down/up (someone’s) alley

Идеально подходить кому-либо

Arranging a fashion show is Right down my alley, and I am eager to do it.

Right hand does not know what the left hand is doing

Правая рука не знает, что делает левая, отсутствие согласованности

I am sorry to say but there isn’t any appropriate communication in the company that’s why The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.

Right off the bat

Сразу, немедленно, «с места в карьер»

As soon as the students came to school, they were told Right off the bat that they would take a test that day.

Right on time

Точно вовремя

The plane arrived at the airport Right on time.

Right on

Верно, правильно

Tim could hardly refrain from saying ‘right on’ every time the director mentioned some facts in his report.

Right out

(сказать) прямо, без обиняков

I told my friend Right out that I did not like the way he behaves in public places.

Right side up

Правильной стороной вверх

My car slipped onto the side of the road and rolled over, but it landed Right side up when it stopped.

Right under one’s nose

Прямо перед носом

I have been searching for my pad for twenty minutes or so before I saw it Right under my nose.

Ring a bell

Вызвать воспоминания, найти отклик в душе

The name Rings a bell; I may have heard it before, but I can’t place it properly.

Ring down the curtain on (something)

Закончить что-либо, положить конец

A few more matters were accomplished and the curtain Was rung down on the session.

Ring hollow

Звучать неубедительно, казаться неправдоподобным

I’m a captain, but without my ship this title Rings a bit Hollow.
Я капитан, но без моего корабля этот титул звучит слегка неубедительно.

Ring in the New Year

Встречать Новый Год

«Where are you going To ring in the New Year?»

Ring true

Звучать правдиво

Winters in Europe are becoming milder and milder, so the predictions of the meteorologists seem To ring true.

Ring up (someone)

Звонить кому-либо по телефону

If there is a fire in the house, you should Ring up 911.

Ring up (something)

Пробить что-либо (в кассе)

The shop assistant told me to go the cash register so that the cashier could Ring up the items I had bought.

Rip into (someone or something)

Наброситься на кого-либо \ что-либо (физически или словесно)

Jack’s wife Ripped into him when he came home in the early hours of the morning.

Rip off (someone or something)

Обмануть кого-либо \ что-либо, обсчитать

Jess Was ripped off by the booking clerk at the railroad station.


Rest In Peace — покойся с миром (надпись на могиле)

I looked at the gravestone and saw the inscription RIP on it.

Ripe old age

Очень старый возраст

Miss Wodoo was able to live to A ripe old age; she died at the age of 107.

Ripple of excitement

Волна возбужденного шепота

When he finished speaking, a long Ripple of excitement passed through the audience.

Ripple of protest

Незначительный протест

There was only A ripple of protest when our boss made us stay at work after office hours.

Rise and shine!

Вставай и принимайся за дело!

The phone rang at six in the morning. «Rise and shine!» my friend called to me. I felt I could kill him then and there.

Rise to the bait

Попадаться на удочку

Julian inevitably Rises to the bait whenever someone offers him something.

Rise to the occasion

Оказаться на высоте положения

The job was challenging, but I managed To rise to the occasion and do it very well.

Risk of rain/showers/thunderstorms

Возможность того, что пойдет дождь; будет ливень, гроза

There was A risk of thunderstorms and they decided not to go the mountains that day.

Risk one’s neck (to do something)

Рисковать сломать шею, делая что-либо

I Risked my neck in order to rescue the cat that had climbed out onto the balcony.

Rivet (someone’s) attention

Сконцентрировать свое внимание (на чем-либо)

«I want you To rivet your attention to the slides you are looking through.»

Road hog

Водитель, мешающий проезду другого транспорта

Leo is a regular Road-hog; he always uses more than his share of the road.

Rob Peter to pay Paul

Поддерживать одно в ущерб другому

It was obvious that this was merely a case of Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Rob the cradle

Жениться или выйти замуж за человека много младше

Sue was a very pretty girl of eighteen, and Joe Was robbing the cradle when he married her.

Rock-bottom offer

Самая низкая предлагаемая цена

The Rock-bottom offer to buy this radio is $25.

Rock the boat

Подвергать опасности, ставить под удар чьи-либо планы, надежды

«Don’t Rock the boat; you’ll only make things worse.»

Roll around

Происходить в положенный срок

Every time that their wedding anniversary Rolls around, they throw a big party.

Roll back (a price)

Снизить цену до прежнего уровня

Before the Christmas sale the prices were high, but during the Christmas sale the prices at most stores Were rolled back.

Roll in

Приходить в большом количестве

The letters with Christmas greetings Have been rolling in since the middle of December.

Roll out the red carpet

Встречать важного гостя

They Rolled out the red carpet when the US President came for a visit.

Roll up one’s sleeves

Засучить рукава, приготовиться к серьезной работе

We had To roll up our sleeves to help clean the house from top to bottom.

Roll with the punches

Приспособиться к трудным обстоятельствам

Some of the travelers were not able To roll with the punches and had to lay over their trip to the mountains.

Rolling in money

Иметь большое количество денег, «купаться в деньгах»

Mr. Hobson Was rolling in money and didn’t have to work.

Rolling stone

Перекати-поле (человек, который все время переезжает с места на место)

James is A rolling stone type of person; you never know his whereabouts.

Room and board

Пансион (жилье и питание)

I’d like to receive Room and board as part of my salary.

Root for (someone or something)

Болеть за кого-либо \ что-либо (в спорте)

They came to the stadium To root for their favorite football team.

Root (something) out

Вырывать что-либо с корнем

The police have been trying To root out the selling of drugs; so far without much success.

Rooted in (something)

Корениться в чем-либо, основываться на чем-либо

The popularity of the pizza hut Is rooted in its delicious pizzas.

Rooted to the spot

Прирасти к месту, не двигаться

On seeing Desmond lying dead on the floor Mandy got Rooted to the spot.

Rope (someone) into (doing something)

Вовлекать кого-либо во что-либо, втягивать

I had no wish to cook the meals for the whole family, but I Was roped into doing it by my Mom.

Rotten to the core

Прогнивший насквозь, бесполезный

The house had to be pulled down as it was Rotten to the core, and it was useless to repair it.


Не очень хороший, сделанный кое-как, на скорую руку

The house was of the Rough-and-ready order, but it suited our purpose.


Суматошное (обсуждение), борьба не по правилам

Hugo was successful in his Rough-and-tumble dispute with his opponent.

Rough guess

Приблизительная оценка, приблизительный подсчет

I made A rough guess about how much I would be paid for the job.

Rough it

Обходиться без удобств

They were ready To rough it for a few days on a camping trip.

Rough up (someone)

Избивать кого-либо, нападать

Two hooligans Roughed up the bartender in the Irish bar and tried to take the money.

Round off a number

Округлить цифру

I had To round off the number as it was much too big.

Round off

Округлять что-либо

I had To round off the figure as it was much too big.

Round out (something)

Заканчивать что-либо

The dance Rounded out the evening very nicely.

Round-robin letter

Петиция, на которой подписи расположены кружком (чтобы нельзя было узнать, кто подписался первым)

They sent A round-robin letter for the city administration to get rid of garbage dumps on the outskirts.

Round-robin meeting/discussion/debate

Собрание или дискуссия, в которой принимает участие каждый член группы

We are going to have A round-robin panel debate on how we can protect the environment.

Round-robin tournament/contest

Состязание, в котором участники выступают по очереди

During A round-robin tournament it became evident that our team was the best team in the city.

Round-trip ticket

Билет туда и обратно

I intend to buy A round-trip ticket to Chicago as it is cheaper than a one-way ticket.

Round up (someone or something)

Собрать кого-либо, собрать в кучу что-либо

They were not able To round up enough footballers to play a football match last Sunday.

Royal treatment

Очень хорошее обхождение

My parents received the Royal treatment when they went to visit their relatives.


Respondez S’il Vous Plait — просьба ответить (пометка на письменном приглашении)

The invitation to the conference said RSVP, so Emma quickly sent off a note to say that she would not be able to attend.

Rub elbows (with someone)

Тесно общаться с кем-либо, работать вместе

I am a manager, and at work I Rub elbows with a lot of people.

Rub off on (someone)

Передаваться кому-либо (от кого-либо)

The woman’s arrogance and selfishness Rubbed off on her daughter as well.

Rub out (someone or something)

Стирать что-либо, уничтожать кого-либо

During the huge explosion many buildings were destroyed and about one hundred people Were rubbed out.

Rub salt in (someone’s) wound

Растравлять чью-либо рану, сыпать соль на рану

Hugo’s wife Rubbed salt in his wound for having broken their car.

Rub shoulders (with someone)

Общаться, знаться с кем-либо

Amelia Rubbed shoulders Only with the famous and the rich.

Rub (someone) the wrong way

Злить кого-либо, раздражать

Olaf’s insolence and rude behavior constantly Rubs me the wrong way.

Rub (someone’s) nose in (something)

Постоянно напоминать кому-либо об ошибках, промашках

To err is human, and I don’t understand why my boss Rubs my nose in it if I make a mistake.

Rub (someone/someone’s fur) the wrong way

Раздражать кого-либо, «гладить против шерсти»

Olaf’s insolence and rude behavior constantly Rubs me the wrong way.

Rub (something) in

Напоминать (все время) о чем-либо

«I know it was a foolish thing for me to do, but you don’t have to keep Rubbing it in.»

Rub (something) off

Стирать что-либо (например с доски)

The teacher wanted the student on duty To rub the words off the board.

Ruffle its feathers

Взъерошить перья

A cat was looking at the bird which was sitting on a branch and Ruffling its feathers.

Ruffle (someone’s) feathers

Расстраивать или раздражать кого-либо

«I do not want To ruffle your feathers, but there are policemen who have come to see you.»

Ruin of (someone or something)

Крах кого-либо \ чего-либо

I think that Sam was not much of a businessman and his poor business skills were The ruin of him.

Rule of thumb

Общепринятое правило; образец, модель

It is A rule of thumb that if a fire alarm sounds, it’s necessary to call 911.

Rule out (someone or something)

Исключить кого-либо \ что-либо

The condition of the ground Ruled out any chance of hunting that day.

Rule (someone) out of order

Лишить кого-либо слова (на собрании)

The chairman Ruled the speaker out of order because the latter began to deviate from the point.

Rule (someone) with an iron fist

Управлять кем-либо железной рукой

Mr. Domby Ruled his household with an iron fist.

Rule the roost

Распоряжаться, задавать тон, хозяйничать

There’s no doubt who Rules the roost in this house.

Rump session

Дополнительное заседание, заседание по секциям

There was A rump session after a larger meeting, but I was too tired to attend it.

Run a fever/temperature

Высокая температура

I had a bad cold and Was running a fever, so I had to stay in bed for a few days.

Run a meeting

Вести собрание

Very few people are capable of Running a meeting very well.

Run a risk of (something)

Подвергаться риску, рисковать

«You Run a risk of losing all the money you have if you are not careful.»

Run a tight ship

Управлять чем-либо (организацией, своей жизнью)

My friend’s father is a very orderly person; he Runs a tight ship and seldom makes mistakes in his life.

Run afoul of (someone or something)

Попасть в беду из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо, запутаться, преступить закон

Jeremy got involved in a car fraud and Ran afoul of the law.

Run afoul of the law

Нарушить закон

Paul Browning was arrested because he Had run afoul of the law.

Run after (someone) or (something)

Бежать за кем-либо \ чем-либо, преследовать

A small dog Was running after a big cat.

Run an ad

Опубликовать рекламу, объявление

The computer firm Ran an ad to tell the public about the new service.

Run an errand

Выполнять поручение

My brother often has To run an errand for our father.

Run around in circles

Суетиться, но мало что сделать

Sarah Had been running around in circles all day but she didn’t accomplish much.

Run around like a chicken with its head cut off

Бегать как сумасшедший, метаться

Joe spent the day Running around like a chicken with its head cut off when he discovered that he had lost important documents.

Run around with (someone)

Водиться с кем-либо, иметь в друзьях кого-либо

«I don’t allow you To run around with those guys; they are a bad party.»

Run around

Бегать по разным местам

On Christmas Eve I Ran around all day, buying presents for relatives and friends.

Run away with (someone)

Сбежать с кем-либо, уйти от мужа

Joanna Ran away with Mark and they got married in two months.

Run away with (something)

Убежать с чем-либо, увлечься чем-либо

The maid Ran away with the duchess’s jewels.

Run circles/rings around (someone)

Опережать кого-либо, превосходить

Adam Runs circles around the other students in his class.

Run counter to (something)

Идти против чего-либо, противиться

«Your actions Run counter to what you are always saying.»

Run down (someone or something)

Сбить кого-либо \ что-либо

«Never cross the street against the red light; you may be Run down by a car.»

Run down (someone)

Унижать кого-либо, отзываться с пренебрежением

«It isn’t a nice thing to do To run down her friends behind their backs.»

Run down

Переутомляться, плохо выглядеть

My friend has become Run down since she started working at night.

Run for it

Удирать, спасаться бегством

When the soldiers started shooting, they Ran for it and tried to get to the shelter of the nearest building.

Run for one’s life

Бежать изо всех сил, спасаться бегством

The cat Ran for its life and vanished among some shrubs.

Run hot and cold

Быть противоречивым

The reviews of the new performance Are running hot and cold, and I am not sure if I will go to see it.

Run in (somewhere)

Навестить, забежать, заглянуть (куда-либо)

«Why don’t you Run in to see me some day?»

Run in the family

Общая семейная черта

Sofia is very absent-minded and unpractical; it Runs in the family, I guess.

Run interference

Вступаться за кого-либо; вмешиваться, с целью защитить кого-либо

My boss never Runs interference on his employees to protect them.

Run into a brick wall

Натолкнуться на каменную стену

When I decided to make some improvement in the office, I Ran into a brick wall; my boss wanted to leave everything as it was.

Run into (someone or something)

Ударить, налететь на что-либо, сбить кого-либо \что-либо

The car Ran into a tree and turned over.

Run into (someone)

Случайно встретиться с кем-либо, столкнуться

In Rome I Ran into a friend of mine who was on holiday there too.

Run into (something)

Смешиваться с чем-либо

During the laundry the blue paint of my dress Ran into the yellow paint of blouse.

Run into (trouble/problems)

Попасть в беду, нажить неприятности

Ivan Ran into trouble when he tried to steal a car.

Run into

Выразиться в определенной сумме (об убытках)

The damages were shocking; they Ran into thousands of dollars.

Run like clockwork

Отлично работать (как часы)

We installed new equipment and it Runs like clockwork.

Run low on (something)

Иссякать, быть на исходе, подходить к концу

We Were running low on our supplies.


Обычный, заурядный

The pizza hut downtown is a Run-of-the-mill thing, but we like it all the same.

Run off at the mouth

Болтать без умолку

Linda is the most talkative girl I have ever met; she can Run off at the mouth for hours.

Run off copies of (something)

Напечатать копии чего-либо

I asked my friend To run off a few copies of my birth certificate.

Run off with (someone)

Тайно бежать с кем-либо

Marion Has run off with her lover, and no one ever heard anything from her ever since.

Run out of patience

Кончилось терпение

Jim is a very tolerant man, but even he Has run out of patience when his wife spent all of their money on trifles.

Run out of (something)

Истощить запас чего-либо

I discovered that I Had run out of tea and sugar and had to go to the supermarket immediately.

Run out of time

Использовать (положенное) время

At the meeting they had been discussing a lot of issues till they Ran out of time.

Run over (someone or something)

Переехать, задавить кого-либо \ что-либо

It was pitch dark when Tim was driving along a country road, and he didn’t notice that he had Run over a fox.

Run over (something)

Переливаться через край

I poured too much tea into the cup and it Ran over the edge.

Run ragged

Очень уставать

I am always being Run ragged by the work in the garden.

Run rampant

Вырастать до угрожающих размеров, выходить из-под контроля

The use of drugs Is running rampant in our town.

Run riot/wild

Буйствовать, выходить из установленных рамок; дать волю воображению

He let his imagination Run riot.

Run scared

Опасаться (провала, неудачи)

I Have been running scared in my attempt to be promoted.

Run short of (something)

Кончаться, быть на исходе

Felix Was running short of cash.

Run short

Не хватать, иссякнуть

Mary had to go shopping late in the evening because she Had run short of coffee and sugar.

Run some tests

Брать анализы

The doctor didn’t know what the matter with the man was, so he decided To run some tests on the patient.

Run (someone) in

Арестовать кого-либо

They had Him run in for drunken driving.

Run (someone) out

Заставить кого-либо уйти, исключить

The police Ran the hooligans out of our area.

Run (something) by (someone) again

Повторить что-либо кому-либо еще раз

I wanted my sister To run her ideas by me again.

Run (something) into the ground

Испортить, довести что-либо до ручки

Tom Ran his computer into the ground and had to buy another one.

Run the gauntlet

Столкнуться с тяжелыми испытаниями или неприятным опытом

I had To run the gauntlet of many medical tests before I was pronounced to be absolutely cured.

Run the good race

Делать все возможное

The sportsman Ran the good race but in the end he lost the marathon.

Run through (money or something)

Неразумно истратить, промотать (деньги или что-либо)

He Ran through his entire inheritance in less than a year.

Run through (something)

Устраивать прослушивание, просмотр чего-либо

They Ran through the first scene once more to make sure everybody knew their part well.

Run to (an amount of money)

Достигать (определенной суммы)

The cost of redecorating my apartment Ran to More money than I could afford to pay.

Run up against (something)

Столкнуться, натолкнуться на что-либо

David didn’t wish To run up against this problem again, for he could picture the encounter as being awkward.

Run up (something)

Поднимать что-либо (при помощи веревки)

Seeing a ship on the horizon, they Ran up a flag of distress.

Run up

Увеличить (сумму), увеличиться; наделать долгов

His wife Was running up heavy bills, and that upset him greatly.

Run wild

Выйти из повиновения, из-под контроля

At first everything was all right, but suddenly the situation Ran wild.

Run/go to seed

Перестать развиваться, приходить в упадок

The great efforts to improve the situation were allowed To run to seed.

Rush on (something)

Большой спрос на что-либо

There was A rush on swim suits at the beginning of summer.

Russian roulette

Русская рулетка, неоправданный риск

Tony is always taking unnecessary risks; it looks as if he were constantly playing Russian roulette.

Rustle (something) up

(наскоро) готовить (еду)

I found some food in the fridge and was able To rustle up some dinner.

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