Английские идиомы на букву J


Мастер на все руки

Tom is A jack-of-all-trades and master of none.

Jack up (something)

Поднять цены; поднять что-либо при помощи домкрата

It is difficult to rent a good house for a decent price; the owners have jacked up their prices. They had to Jack up the car to change the tire.

Jack up the price of (something)

Повысить цену на что-либо

Several oil companies Jacked up the price of oil at the beginning of the year.

Jack up (the price)

Поднять цены

It is difficult to rent a good house for a decent price; the owners Have jacked up their prices.

Jam on the brakes

Нажать на тормоза

On seeing a big truck Tim Jammed on the brakes, but it was too late.



I usually take a bus to go to work, but it is

always Jam-packed during rush hours.

Jekyll and Hyde

Кто-либо, сочетающий в себе хорошее и плохое

My ex-husband is like Jekyll and Hyde. One minute he is all smiles but the next minute he is irritated.

Jockey for position

Не стесняться в средствах для достижения цели

«I don’t think it’s the right time To jockey for position when the company is in a hole.»

Jog (someone’s) memory

Помогать кому-либо вспомнить, напомнить

In old days torture was used To jog the prisoners’ memory Especially of those who would not betray their friends.

John Doe

Воображаемый истец в судебном процессе

They use the name «John Doe» as the name of a person who is applying for something.

John Henry/John Hancock

Чья-либо подпись

«In order to receive the money you ought to sign your John Henry here.»



Sam is A Johnny-come-lately, and he doesn’t really know what is going on here.


Тот, кто оказывается в нужном месте или в нужное время

William seems to be Johnny-on-the-spot. Just when I need him, he turns up.

Join forces (with someone)

Объединить усилия с кем-либо

We want To join forces with them and try to do something useful for our town.

Join hands

Взяться за руки

«I would like all those present To join hands and say the prayer.»

Join the club!

Мы с тобой товарищи по несчастью (выражение употребляется, когда говорящий и кто-либо находятся в одинаково неблагоприятной ситуации)

«Join the club! I am not allowed to drink anymore on my doctor’s orders.»

Join the fray

Вступить в борьбу или спор

«Why did you Join the fray? Nobody asked you to argue with the other staff members.»

Joined at the hip

(два человека) проводящие все время вместе, «не разлей вода»

The two friends are Joined at the hip; they always spend all their time together.

Jolt to a stop

Резко остановиться

The driver jammed on the brakes and the car Jolted to a stop.


Justice of the Peace — мировой судья

They went to a JP to settle their dispute about a plot of land.

Judge (someone or something) on its own

Судить о ком-либо \ чем-либо по достоинствам, заслугам

«I can’t possibly Judge Tina on her own merits because I have no idea what her good points are.»

Judge (someone or something) on its/their own merit(s)

Судить о ком-либо \ чем-либо по достоинству

We usually Judge people on their own merits.

Judging by (something)

Судя по чему-либо

Judging by the cover, the magazine might be quite interesting.

Jump all over (someone)

Бранить, порицать кого-либо, «наехать на кого-либо»

As soon as I mentioned his debts, Frank Jumped all over me. He told me it was none of my business.

Jump at (something)

Ухватиться за что-либо

Leo Jumped at the chance to go to America and study at Harvard University. Who wouldn’t?

Jump bail

Не явиться в суд после освобождения под залог

The police were afraid that the man might Jump bail and leave the country.

Jump down (someone’s) throat

Разозлиться, выйти из себя

My father Jumped down my throat over the missing money.

Jump on (someone)

Неожиданно наброситься на кого-либо \ критиковать кого-либо

The students Jumped on the secretary because she hadn’t told them about the new schedule.

Jump out of one’s skin

Вздрогнуть, подскочить (от испуга, неожиданности)

When Nancy heard moans and groans coming from the basement, she Jumped out of her skin.

Jump the gun

Сделать что-либо преждевременно

Lora Jumped the gun and started telling her friends about her forthcoming wedding.

Jump the track

Сойти с рельс

The train suddenly Jumped the track and some of the passengers were injured.

Jump through a hoop

Выполнять любое приказание

Karina is always ready To jump through a hoop for her husband; she is too obedient to my mind.

Jump to conclusions

Делать поспешные выводы

«I don’t want you To jump to conclusions because you don’t know all the facts.»

Jump/climb/get on the bandwagon

Присоединиться к активной деятельности

Gina and Sam Jumped on the bandwagon to try and arrange a swimming competition.

Jumping-off place/point

Начало долгого пути; отправная точка

They gathered in the afternoon at The jumping-off place for their long journey through the jungle.

Jury is still out (on someone or something)

Решение все еще не принято

The jury is still out; they haven’t accepted adventitious proposal yet.

Just about


It’s Just about one mile from my house to the beach.

Just in case (something happens)

На всякий случай

I have written my name and address on my backpack Just in case I lose it.

Just now

Прямо сейчас

«When do you want me to hand in my test paper?» — «Just now.»

Just one of those things

Что-либо независящее от себя; ничего не поделаешь

The fact that they didn’t give me the job I applied for was Just one of those things and there was nothing to be done about it.

Just so

Как раз то, что надо

In the mirror she saw her face carefully made up and thought it was Just so.

Just the same

Все равно, тем не менее

The mother keeps telling her son not to play loud music, but he does it Just the same.

Just what the doctor ordered

Как раз то, что необходимо

Having an extra day off work was Just what the doctor ordered, And Steve was able to repair his bike.

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