Контролюючі завдання з англійської мови. Читання у з класі. «The Wind And The Sun»

This is the Wind. This is the Sun.

One day the Wind says, «I am strong. I am very strong.» «No,» says the Sun. «I am strong. I am very strong.

I can show you. Look at this boy. Can you take his coat away?»

«Yes, I can take his coat away. That is very easy!» the Wind says.

The Wind blows and blows on the boy.

The boy is cold. He pulls his coat around him. His scarf is long and warm. He pulls his cap on.

The boy is very cold.

The Wind cannot blow the coat and the cap off the boy.

«Now I can try,» the Sun says.

The Sun shines and shines on the boy. The boy takes off his coat.

«I am strong,» the Sun says.

«Yes, toy are very strong,» says the Wind.

Напиши, що зображено на малюнках.

This is the _____________ . This is the ________________ .




Доповни речення.

I am ______________ . No, I am ______________ strong. This is a _________ .

Дай коротку відповідь Yes, it is. / No, it is not. Is the Sun hot? 2) Is the Wind cold?

3) Is it hot now? 4) Is it hot now?

Назви предмети одягу, зображені на малюнку.




1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ____________ 4. ___________________

5 . Знайди відповідні підписи до малюнків

I can blow. b) I can shine.

C) I can take my coat off. d) I can pull my coat around.

Опиши малюнок.

Сейчас вы читаете: Контролюючі завдання з англійської мови. Читання у з класі. «The Wind And The Sun»