Определенный артикль

В этом тесте вы сможете проверить, насколько хорошо вы усвоили тему «Определенный артикль в английскому языке».

1. On ___ bright January morning ___ telephone kept ringing in my office.

A) the/the
B) a/the
C) -/-
D) -/the
E) the/-

2. ___ man always went to ___ same bar at ___ same time every day and asked for two glasses of ___ soda.

A) A/the/the/-
B) A/the/the/a
C) A/the/-/-
D) -/the/the/-
E) A/-/the/a

3. ___ USA is ___ country. It is in North America.

A) -/a
B) the/a
C) the/-
D) the/the
E) -/-

4. ___ most favorite game is cricket, which is called by ___ English «___ greatest game in ___ world».

A) the/the/the/the
B) the/a/the/the
C) -/the/-/the
D) a/the/-/the
E) the/an/-/the

5. ___ death of her
husband resulted in ___ loss of her home also.

A) -/-
B) -/the
C) the/the
D) a/-
E) a/a

6. Peter is on ___ night duty. When I go to ___ bed, he goes to ___ work.

A) the/-/a
B) -/-/-
C) a/a/a
D) the/the/-
E) -/the/a

7. Don’t stay outside in ___ cold; come in by ___ fire.

A) the/the
B) the/a
C) -/a
D) the/-
E) a/the

8. Kate ate ___ meat with ___ vegetables for ___ second course.

A) -/-/the
B) a/the/-
C) the/a/the
D) -/an/-
E) an/-/a

9. Sofia is ___ capital of ___ Bulgaria.

A) -/-
B) the/the
C) the/-
D) the/a
E) -/a

10. ___ Moon has no ___ light. It is bright because ___ Sun shines on it.

A) The/-/the
B) The/a/the
C) -/-/the
D) The/the/the
E) A/an/the


1-B, 2-A, 3-B, 4-A, 5-C, 6-B, 7-A, 8-A, 9-C, 10-A.

Источник: Atalay Oguz «TEST MASTER» — Baskent Education Publication

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