Урок английского языка на тему «My profession»

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ГБОУ ООШ №2 г. о. Октябрьск

Урок английского языка на тему

«My profession»

Выполнил: Шмидт Павел

15 лет


Кашкова Людмила Васильевна,

Учитель английского языка

ГБОУ ООШ №2 г. о. Октябрьск

2015 г.

Carries out preparation of technological installations Of oil refining

One of the most serious problems a young person faces is deciding what to choose about a career. A lot of people do not get around to making of decision about an occupation

until they have not these problems. It is very important to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do.

Carries out preparation of technological installations is very interesting choosing for a lot of young people. I like this profession and I have a dream to be a preparation of technological installations too.

Carries out preparation of technological installations of oil refining to execution and control, as to work, start of technological processes of oil refining and oil products. He must as well as monitoring of the equipment and devices of control and automatics. He has to perform certain types of repairs and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation.

The main work of this profession:

— writes report-and-technical documentation on the work of the maintained equipment and instrumentation

— leads the technological process of processing of raw materials in accordance using instructions based on controlling and measuring instruments. He must control the technological process of processing using the results of physic-chemical analysis.

— chooses

the work technological parameters for the technological process of oil refining.

— controls and measures the technological process parameters

— checks the readings in the working conditions

— makes out the control of the technological process, quality of raw materials, intermediates and finished product

— checks the start, stop, and conclusion on technological mode of technological equipment

— chooses for analysis and carries out simple analyses

— sends equipment in repair and takes it out of repair

— prepares raw materials, auxiliary materials, tools, equipment, containers

— controls and provides adjustment of the process of all systems of regulators at processing plants, pumping and compressor offices, pipelines

— regulates the supply of raw materials, chemicals, fuel, gas, water, electricity on the health service area

— makes the audit and eliminates faults in instruments

— takes into account the consumption parameters of the technological process of oil refining

— reads and depicts the schematic diagrams of technological processes, devices

— repairs the technological equipment

It is very important and responsible work because I must know and control the technological process of processing of raw materials in accordance using instructions based on controlling and measuring instruments. I have to control and provide adjustment of the process of all systems technological processes.

I like this profession and I have a dream to be a preparation of technological installations of oil refining using safety standards at industrial facilities. I want to adequately process by-products of industry. It is very important to use safety standards in our works because environment protection is main problem facing humanity nowadays.

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