Завдання з читання. 4 клас. Англійська мова

Завдання з читання. 4 клас. Англіцська мова.

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Six little grey mice are at a lecture on friendship. The speaker is Tim, the big grey cat. Tim says,»Mice

Do not like cats. But we like mice. Why don’t you like cats?

The cats want to be friends with mice. You

Live in the kitchen. We live in the kitchen too. In the kitchen there is enough food.

So let’s be friends».

Tim talks and talks. The mice are hungry. One mouse looks at the cat and says,»If the cat is hungry

Too, it’s time to run away». And the mice run away. The mice are clever, so they all run away.

Завдання: прочитати і поставити + або —

1. Five grey mice are at a lecture.

2. The speaker is Tim.

3. The cat is big.

4. The cat is little.

5. The cat is a friend to mice.

6. There is enough food in the kitchen.

7. The mice are not clever.

8. The mice are clever.

9. The mice are hungry.

10. The mice run away.

11. Mice do not like cats.

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