Контрольная работа — Английские модальные глаголы

В данной контрольной работе представлено 5 заданий разных типов.

Задание 1. Проверка теоретических знаний по модальным глаголам.

Какой модальный глагол в отрицательных предложениях всегда пишется слитно с частицей not?
После какого модального глагола всегда ставится частица to?
Какая конструкция употребляется наряду с модальным глаголом can/could?
Какой модальный глагол употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств, а также для выражения приказания или совета. На русский язык

данный глагол переводится как должен, нужен, надо.
Какой глагол употребляется для выражения долженствования в прошедшем и будущем вместо модального глагола must?

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами must или can’t + подходящий по смыслу глагол.

Пример: You’ve been travelling all day. You must be very tired.

Brian has got three houses, six cars, a yacht and a helicopter. He… a lot of money. (The doorbell rings.) I wonder who that is. It… Jim. He said he would come after 7 o’clock and it’s only 6.30 now. I wonder why Tom isn’t at work today. I suppose he… ill. John seems to know a lot about history. He… a lot of books. Jack’s putting on his hat and coat. He… out.

Задание 3. В этом упражнении вам нужно поговорить о ваших будущих планах или о
планах других людей. Но вы не уверены, что произойдет в будущем. Используйте may или might.

Пример: Where are you going for your holidays? (to Italy???)
I haven’t finally decided but I may (or might) go to Italy.

What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes???)
I’m not sure yet but I… What are you doing this weekend? (go to London???)
I don’t know for sure but… Where are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining-room???)
I haven’t made up my mind yet but… When is Tom coming to see us? (tomorrow evening???)
I’m not sure but… What’s Jill going to do when she leaves school? (a secretarial course???)
She hasn’t decided yet but…

Задание 4. Вы даете совет другу. Используйте should или shouldn’t.

Пример. Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. Advise him to stop smoking.

You should stop smoking.

Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to go to the dentist.
…………………… Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights. You think this is dangerous. Advise him not to do it.
…………………… Your friend is going to visit Greece. Advise him to learn a few words of Greek before he goes

Задание 5. Укажите верные (correct) и неверные (wrong) предложения.

Пример: My father can play the guitar. — Correct.

You can not buy the tickets. I must complete a painting by tommorow. Children should respect their parents. May I to come in? I were able to sing very well, when I was young.

Задание 1.

cannot ought to to be able to must have to

Задание 2.

must have can’t be must be must read / must have read must be going

Задание 3.

I may/might buy a Mercedes. I may/might go to London. I may/might hang it in the dining-room. he may/might come tomorrow evening. she may/might do a secretarial course.

Задание 4.

You should go to the dentist. You shouldn’t ride bicycle at night without lights. You should learn a few words of Greek before you go.

Задание 5.

Wrong Correct Correct Wrong Wrong

Часть материала скопирована из следующих источников:
1. Raymond Murphy «English Grammar In Use» Cambridge University Press

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