Lesson plan. New York: The Place of My Dreams

New York City: The place of my dreams

Конспект уроку англійської мови у 8 класі вчителя вищої кваліфікаційної категорії Поторицької ЗШ І-ІІІ ст. Олійник Наталії Богданівни

Мета: автоматизувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за темою уроку; Розвивати навички аудіювання, колективної роботи, логічного мислення учнів; розвивати навички читання тексту, мовленнєву здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; розширювати кругозір учнів;прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення історії та культури США; виховувати повагу до культури країни, мова якої вивчається,

як засобу міжнаціонального спілкування.

Обладнання: карта США, фото з видами Нью-Йорка, аудіо запис, фільм, презентація, комп’ютер, проектор.

Хід уроку. 1. Greetings. Introduction to the lesson.

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. T: For some time we have been learning many interesting things about the USA. You’ve got to know that the USA is the richest and highly developed country in the world.

It stretches from one coast to another. Today we are going to concentrate on one of the beautiful cities of the USA. It’s New York 2.Warming up.

But first, let’s check up what you know about the USA and a little «All — the USA Quiz». Be ready to give answers, use the map in your answers. .

1.What is the capital of the USA? . 2. What river is Washington situated on? . 3. Who discovered America and when? . 4. What is the name of the American flag?

. 5. How many stripes does the American flag have? . 6. How many stars are there on the American flag? . 7. How many states are there in America? . 8. What is the national emblem of the USA? . 9. Who was the first President of the USA? 10. Who is the president of the USA in our days? . 12. What is the largest city in the USA? .

T: It’s great. I’m impressed by your knowledge of this country. You really know a lot about different sides of the USA.

3. Phonetic drill Look at the blackboard! You see some proper names; you need to read them correctly. The Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Staten Island, Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Central Park, Times Square, The Bronx Quens Brooklyn Brooklyn Bridge New Jersey Manhattan New Amsterdam

— Let’s listen to the song about 50 states The Fifty Nifty United States -YouTube. flv Fifty Nifty United States from thirteen original colonies; Fifty Nifty stars in the flag that billows so beautifully in the breeze. Each individual state contributes a quality that is great. Each individual state deserves a bow, We salute them now.

Fifty Nifty United States from thirteen original colonies, Shout ’em, scout ’em, Tell all about ’em, One by one, til we’ve given a day to every state in the USA Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut- Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana- Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,- Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska…, Nevada,- New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,- North Carolina, North Dakota, O H I O,- Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Tex-as,- Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

North, South, East, West in our calm, objective opinion Is the Best of the Fifty Nifty United States from thirteen original colonies Shout ’em, scout’em, tell all about ’em One by One, till we’ve given a day to every state in the good old U…S…A……

4. Practice Group 1. Task: Match the column A with column B and make sentences with them. The Empire Park Rockefeller Bridge Staten Square State of Liberty Wall Island Central State Building Times Street Brooklyn Center Group 2. Task: Complete the sentences: 1. New York City is located in…. 2. More than… million people live in New York City. 3. New York City is abbreviated….

4. It is nicknamed the….

Group 3. Task: Complete the sentences: 1. The… …, … …, the… … Building, and… are all located in the city. 2. Parking is…

3. Many people take the…, …, or ride…. 4. New York City has over… …skyscrapers..

5. Listening Listen to the text and put the statements into the correct order Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of New York City.

# 3: The Empire State Building — An American icon, which was built remarkably during the Great Depression. Ride to the top for unmatched city views. # 5: Rockefeller Center — where you find top of the rock, with amazing views and at Christmas time, the famous tree lighting.

# 10: Staten Island ferry — You get spectacular views of New York Harbor on this ferry ride from Manhattan to Staten Island.

# 1: State of Liberty — This is one landmark you must visit. The ultimate symbol of New York City # 8: Greenwich Village — Go for a stroll in this neighborhood. Enjoy charming brownstones and experience Washington Square Park. # 6: Grand Central Terminal — Quite an amazing sight, you might even forget this is a train station.

# 7: Wall Street — The bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds.

# 4: Central Park — One of the world’s greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines.

# 2: Times Square — best experienced at night. First time visitors are simply in awe amidst the bright neon lights.

# 9: Brooklyn Bridge — Built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City.

6. Reading Організація роботи з текстом. Виконання тренувальних вправ.

1)Chain word.

T: How many words can you find in the Sightseeing chain word and which team will be first


2) T: Find in the text such sentences: 1) Все місто розділено на 5 районів… 2) Місто практично розташоване на островах. 3) Хмарочоси розташовані в центральній частині Манхетена 4) Голландці купили Манхетен за 24 долари і заснували Новий Амстердам 5) Мільйони іммігрантів, що приїхали в США хочуть бути нью-йоркцями… 7. Speaking 3) Організація монологічного мовлення учнів про Нью-Йорк з опорою на вивчений текс та додаткову інформацію. T: Let’s speak about New York.

I invite 4 pupils to the middle of our class — room. Your task is to prove that New York is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world.

T-to the class: You have to listen to them very attentively, not to interrupt them. Only after their discussion you may add some information.

New York City

Р1:New York City is located in New York. It is the most populated city in the United States. More than eight million people live in New York City. Р2:New York City is abbreviated NYC.

It is nicknamed the «Big Apple» because of its size and the influence it has around the world. Р3: The Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, the Empire State Building, and Broadway are all located in the city. Р4: Parking is very expensive that’s why many people take the subway, buses, or ride a taxi.

P5:New York City has over five thousand skyscrapers, which is more than any other city in the world.

T: What information can you add?

P1: I have read in the encyclopedia…. P2: From the History lessons I know… P3: Recently I’ve watched a program about the USA…

P4: I’ve known that…

8. An oral essay You have read different guides, encyclopaedias, magazines, newspapers and I want to listen to your speech. Would you like to live in New York? Why? Why not?

9. Summing up a) Let’s make an application! What is New York for everybody of us? I’m the first.

I believe New York is a multicultural city because people of different nationalities live there. б) We have made an apple tree! The an apple tree is unusual like New York itself. 10.

Marks I thank you for your excellent work and give only good marks. The lesson is over, good bye!

New York City:

The place of my dreams

Конспект уроку

Англійської мови у 8 класі

Вчителя вищої

Кваліфікаційної категорії

Поторицької ЗШ І-ІІІ ст.

Олійник Наталії Богданівни

Мета: автоматизувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за темою уроку;

Розвивати навички аудіювання, колективної роботи, логічного мислення учнів; розвивати навички читання тексту, мовленнєву здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; розширювати кругозір учнів;прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення історії та культури США; виховувати повагу до культури країни, мова якої вивчається, як засобу міжнаціонального спілкування.

Обладнання: карта США, фото з видами Нью-Йорка, аудіо запис, фільм, презентація, комп’ютер, проектор.

Хід уроку.

1. Greetings. Introduction to the lesson.

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: For some time we have been learning many interesting things about the USA. You’ve got to know that the USA is the richest and highly developed country in the world. It stretches from one coast to another.

Today we are going to concentrate on one of the beautiful cities of the USA. It’s New York

2.Warming up.

But first, let’s check up what you know about the USA and a little «All — the USA Quiz». Be ready to give answers, use the map in your answers.


1.What is the capital of the USA? .
2. What river is Washington situated on?( The right answer:Washington is situated on the Potomac River.
3. Who discovered America and when?( The right answer:Christopher Columbus, October, 1492.
4. What is the name of the American flag? .
5. How many stripes does the American flag have? .
6. How many stars are there on the American flag? .

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