Interpol — Интерпол

Interpol, more correctly the International Criminal Police Organization, was created in 1923 to assist international criminal police co-operation. The organization’s new name was adopted in 1956, prior to which it was known as the International Criminal Police Commission. Interpol was founded in Austria in 1923 as the International. Criminal Police Commission. The organization came under control of Nazi Germany when

Administration. The Executive Branch of the Government — Государственное управление. Исполнительная власть

The US. Constitution defines a federal system of government in which certain powers are delegated to the national government; other powers fall to the states. The national government consists of executive, legislative and judicial branches that are designed to check and balance one another; all are interrelated and overlapping yet each is quite distinct. Since the Constitution was ratified in

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln was one of the most famous presidents of the USA. He was born in the family of a poor farmer in 1809 in Kentucky, but soon his family left for the wild forestland of Indiana. He was taught reading, writing and simple arithmetic, as his family could not afford better education. When he was 18, he went to New

O’Henry — О’Генри

O’Henry is a famous American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings of the stories. He wrote about the life of ordinary people in New York City. Typical for O’Henry’s stories is a twist of plot which turns on an ironic or coincidental circumstance. William Sidney Porter (O’Henry) was born in Greenboro, North Carolina. His father, Algernon Sidney Porter, was

Space Exploration — Исследование космоса (1)

Entering the twenty-first century, we have an unimaginable array of technology and a generation of young people schooled in these technologies. Three decades ago people placed six flags on the Moon. Our automatic space stations reached almost all planets of Solar System. Today we no longer try for new space achievements; instead we celebrate the anniversaries of the past. Our

Youth Problems

Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage broblems. A few years ago alcohol, fights, murders and other kinds of violence were more problems of adults rather than young people. But now, as official reports admit, violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngest. For many children from poor families violence, drinking problems and all that


Censorship is a restricted form of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, television and other media due to the norms of protection of the interests of the state, society and public institutions. From one side, censorship is a good and right fact. Because everywhere must be control, especially in things, which are got to people. In the past there


Riga, city (population in 1992 901,700), capital of Latvia, on the Daugava (Western Dvina) River near its entry into the Gulf of Riga. A major Baltic port, it is also a rail junction, a military base, and an industrial and cultural center. Among Riga’s industries are machine building, metalworking, shipbuilding and repairing, woodworking, food processing, and the manufacture of diesel

Bernard Shaw — Бернард Шоу

George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland, on 26th of July, in 1856. At the age of twenty one, Shaw came to live in London. His first five novels were rejected by London publishers, but became well sort after when Shaw became a famous playwright. In his own words, Shaw said he was a writing machine. He wrote 65

Sport Makes People Kin

People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. It’s so nice

The Tretyakov Gallery

Moscow is replete with art galleries and museums. Yet there is one gallery that remains a symbol of Russian art. It is the world-famous Tretyakov Gallery. The founder of the gallery was the entrepreneur Pavel Tretyakov (1832-1898), who was from the merchant class. Beginning in 1856, Tretyakov had a hobby of collecting works by the Russian artists of his time.

Jonathan Swift. (1667-1745)

Jonathan Swift was the greatest of English satirists. His better satire at the contemporary social order in general and an the policy of English government in particular. That’s why the Irish people considered Swift the champion in the struggle against the wealthy and freedom of their country. Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, but he came from English family. His

The Book-bag — Сумка с книгами

Some people read for instruction, and some for pleasure, but not a few read from habit. I belong to that company. Let us admit that reading with us is just a drug that we cannot get along without. Books are necessary to me and I never travel far without enough reading matter. But when I am starting on a long

Shops — Магазины

Do you like shopping? It is well known that many people do like, especially women. In any case we often just have to do it, when we need some foodstuffs, for example. There is a great variety of shops in the world: dairy, baker’s, grocer’s, fishmonger’s, greengrocer’s, butcher’s, sweet shop, florist’s, stationer’s, footwear, children’s wear, jewellery and so on. Different

England (2)

The United Kingdom is very small compared with many other countries in the world. However there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the world’s seventh biggest city. When you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. Highlands turn into lowlands; forests and hills turn into

The Commonwealth of Australia

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth of Nations. Its territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands. It has an area of about eight million square kilometres. The continent of Australia is mostly a great plain with mountains in the east and south-east. The western part of

Being Different — British Character

The British can be particularly and stubbornly conservative about anything which is perceived as token of Britishness. In these use the same scales that are used nearly everywhere else in the world. But it has had only limited The British can be particularly and stubbornly conservative about anything which is perceived as token of Britishness. In these matters, their conservatism

Shopping in the USA — Магазины в США

Shopping in the USA has two very important tendencies that can be determined as : «Born to shop» and «Caveat Emptor » (the Latin expression that means «the customer runs risks of buying goods of inferior quality»). Stores are full of wares of various kinds and prices. If you are in funds shopping can be extremely interesting and bring you

Internet — Интернет

There is hardly anyone who has never heard about Internet. A lot of people use Internet every day, among those students and teachers, children and businesspeople, housewives and pensioners. What is Internet for? Internet is a storehouse of every sort and kind of information and possibilities. With the help of Internet, we can communicate with those, who are far away,