Стилистический анализ текста: Andrew Norton «Darling, I’m going to Disappear»

The chapter «Darling, I’m going to Disappear» is taking from the book «Her True story» by Andrew Norton and is written in the style of fiction.This story is about the girl, Sarah Ferguson, who was invited for the traditional house party at Windsor Castle.

In the beginning of the story we can see the process of drawing up a guest list for the traditional house party at Windsor Castle. The Queen consulted with the Princess if two single girls of good breeding would be acceptable guests. She put forward the names of 2 girls:Susie Fenwick and Sarah Ferguson.

The author describes Sarah as a «vivisections redhead». This epithet is used to underline that she was young and beautiful. She first meet Diana at Cowdray Park and soon they become good friends.
Sarah’s boy-friend was Paddy MeNally a motor racing interpreneur. But their relationship wasn’t good. And to prove it the author uses the antithesis «who enjoyed an uneven and unlimately unhappy romance with Fergie»

And it was he who dropped Sarah at Windsor Castle’s private entrance where she was taken to her room.
Sarah’s family and Royal one had been aware of each other much long and were in good relations. To show it the author uses the clich? «rubbed shoulders with…»

Even though Sarah was «understandably nervous»- the epithet. And when she arrived promptly in the Green Drawing room for pre-lunch drinks she found herself seated next to Prince Andrew.

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