Airplane Etiquette
Airports can bring out the worst in people. With our skies and planes so crowded, it’s no longer possible to say exactly when a flight will depart. Scheduling meetings to begin forty minutes after your expected arrival time is foolish, and leads to the phenomenon we call Executive Stampede: the rude behavior of clock-watching executives who, garment bags held high, think nothing of mauling anyone who happens to be in their way in their maniacal determination to be the first passengers off the plane and at the head of the taxi line. So spare yourself, your colleagues, and your clients the need to revise meeting schedules in order to cope with travel delays, by planning to arrive the night before a meeting. This will allow you to rest after a trip, schedule a productive breakfast meeting, and then use the entire day for meaningful work.
В условиях аэропорта могут проявиться худшие человеческие