Travelling — Путешествия (1)

People began to travel ages ago. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous-but still people keep on going to the unknown lands. Nowadays it is not as dangerous and much more convenient. Do you want to go somewhere? Hundreds of companies are there to help

Russian space science

On April 12 every year the Russian people celebrate Cosmonautics Day in commemoration of the first space flight in the world which was made by a Soviet citizen. Here are three main dates in the history of space exploration. October 4 in 1957 the Soviet Union launches the first sputnik in the world. April 12 in 1961 the Soviet cosmonaut

Seasons and Weather — Времена года и погода

Weather changes during the year. So people usually divide it into four seasons. Winter Winter is the coldest season of a year. It begins in December. This is the time when lakes and rivers start covering with ice and the first snow begins to fall. When there is a lot of snow in the streets and the ice is strong

The Book I’ve Just Read

William Somerset Maugham’s short stories are very fascinating. Not long ago I’ve read one of his short stories, it is the storyabout a man who is very rich, very powerful, very intellegent, very successful in his career and yet he is unhappy. Hisname is Lord Mountdrago (the story says: he was an able anddistinguished man who was appointed Secretary of

Mass Media in our life

Everywhere, every day, exciting things are happening. Each day is filled with news. People learn news and views during reading newspapers and magazines, talking over the telephone or they are kept informed by watching TV or listening to the radio. The press, the radio and television play a big role in the life of the society. They inform, educate and

Jack London

Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco. His real name was John Griffit. His father was a farmer. The family was extremely poor and the boy had to earn his living after school. He sold newspapers, worked at a factory. Later he became a sailor; during some time he wandered vrith the unemployed. For a year he attended

Moscow (4)

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was first mentioned in the records dated back to the year 1147. At that time it was a small frontier post. The history of Moscow is connected with the history of Russia. In 1287 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. And it was the Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the

Democracy in Great Britain — Демократия в Великобритании (1)

Great importance is attached in Britain to human rights. Respect for individual freedoms forms a cornerstone of Britain’s democratic system. British public opinion is concerned about violations of human rights throughout the world. The British Government regards the observation of human rights and their protection as an important element of its foreign policy. These rights and freedoms are listed in

I Want to be an Interpreter — Я хочу быть переводчиком

I want to be an interpreter. It is an interesting and useful profession. My parents have a large library and they taught me to like books. I like reading books. My favourite subjects in school are English, Literature, Geography and History. My favourite English and American writers are Shakespeare, Dickens, Walter Scott, Jack London, Mark Twain. Once at the class

Ice Hockey — Хоккей на льду

Ice hockey is one of the most action-paced of sports, demanding skillful skating, expert stick-handling, and masterly puck control. The game developed in the frozen expanses of North America, and a hundred years ago became the national winter sport of Canada. It also became very popular in the northern states of the United States, and later spread to Europe, Japan,

A Brief History of Oxford city

Oxford was founded in the 9th century when Alfred the Great created a network of fortified towns called burhs across his kingdom. One of them was at Oxford. Oxford is first mentioned in 911 in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. According to legend, Oxford University was founded in 872 when Alfred the Great happened to meet some monks there and had a

Sport in Great Britain — Спорт в Великобритании (5)

Most people in Great Britain are real sport-lovers. Even if they don’t go in for sport, they like to talk about it. Perhaps, you didn’t know, but many kinds of sport have taken the origin in Great Britain. Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, squash, canoeing and snooker were invented in Britain. Britain’s national sport is football or soccer.

Fashion — Мода

When we talk about fashion we usually mean the popular style in dress or behavior. For most modern people fashion is a method of wearing clothing, accessories and hair to express themselves. Fashion is always changing, normally it is possible to say what time or epoch the particular clothing belongs to. Modern Fashion Industry Designers can greatly influence what direction

About me

My full name is Bushueva Valeria Dmitrievna. I was born in Moscow, Russia in 2002. I’m 11 years old. About my appearance, I’m tall and thin (probably), I have big blue eyes and blond hair. About my character, I am very friendly, but only with people that I think are quite good. I happen really impatient and curious, but I

English-speaking Countries

Name the English-speaking countries. Speak about your Associations with one of the countries and its people. English is the third most spoken native language worldwide, after Chinese and Hindi, with some 380 million speakers. It is the official language in 71 sovereign states and territories with the total population of 2,135 million people. Among them are the UK, the USA,

The American Dream

Few terms are defined in so many different ways or bandied about more loosely than «the American Dream.» To some people, the term is a joke, an object of satire, derision, or contempt, and a made-in-America label for a congeries of chauvinistic cliches mouthed by jingoists. To others, it merely signifies self-determined success, wealth, the «good life» of modish clothes,

Ferdinand Magellan — Фердинанд Магеллан

In the sixteenth century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost the king’s favour. After he was dismissed from service to the king

My Favourite Film — Мой любимый фильм

My favourite film is called «Gone with the Wind». As it is seen from the title the film was based on the Margaret Mitchell’s novel with the same name. The film was premiered on December 15, 1939 in Atlanta, where the main action of the film takes place. The film won 8 Oscars and it remained a record for a

Moscow (3)

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the seat of the highest bodies of state authority. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. In the 15th century Moscow became the capital of Russian state. With the transfer of Russia’s capital to St. Petersburg in 1712, it became the country’s second capital. In 1918 it became the capital of